If someone is experiencing symptoms or signs of heat stroke or other related heat illness call for emergency medical assistance immediately—(805) 893-3446 for campus police, 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone—and report the incident to UCSB Workers’ Compensation, (805) 893-4440.
The Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Standard (CCR, Title 8, Section 3396) requires all employers with indoor worksites to take certain steps to prevent heat related illness. Heat related illness is a serious medical condition that results when the body is unable to cool itself sufficiently through sweating. Both personal and environmental factors can contribute to the likelihood of developing heat related illnesses which includes heat stress, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting) and ultimately, heat stroke. The purpose of this program is to teach supervisors and employees how to reduce the risk of heat related illness, and respond properly should heat related illness occur.
Supervisor Responsibilities
Supervisors have the primary responsibility of ensuring the health and safety of their employees. Campus personnel who supervise employees with outdoor worksites, or indoor worksites that should reasonably be anticipated to result in exposure to the risk of heat illness (e.g., kitchens, boiler room, etc.), are responsible for:
- Ensuring their units comply with the Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Standard and the UCSB Heat Illness Prevention Program.
- Ensuring there is a written Heat Illness Prevention Plan covering all outdoor locations they have responsibility for (customizable worksite specific plan available in PDF format).
- Developing and implementing procedures to reduce the risk of heat related illness.
- Being aware of the personal and environmental risk factors that contribute to heat illness.
- Ensuring employees have access to fresh drinking water and adequate cool down during breaks.
- Ensuring their employees have received documented heat illness training.
- Knowing how to respond to heat related illness.
- Invoking High Heat and Emergency Response Procedures when required.
EH&S Resources and Services
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) has administrative responsibility for the campus Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Program and will assist departments and supervisors in meeting their requirements under the program upon request. Specific EH&S Services and Resources are listed below:
- Heat Illness Prevention Training is available online through the UC Learning Center or in-person by contacting the Industrial Hygiene Program at
- UCSB Main Campus Heat Illness Prevention Plan
- Warm Weather Safety Tips
- Audits of local heat illness procedures, upon request
Additional Resources
Useful Links
For questions regarding the new Cal/OSHA Indoor Heat Illness Standard, please contact the Industrial Hygiene Program at