Course Code
Course Type
eLEARNING: Available 24/7 on the UC Learning Center
This course is required for UCSB Faculty, Students, Staff, and Volunteers who perform outdoor work, or indoor work where heat-related illness is likely to occur. Trainees will learn about important UCSB and Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Program requirements, including:
- The different types and common signs and symptoms of heat illness and the importance of immediately reporting symptoms or signs of heat illness;
- The environmental and personal risk factors for heat illness;
- The importance of acclimation, hydration and rest;
- UCSB’s procedures for complying with Cal/OSHA’s Heat Illness Standard;
- High heat procedures;
- Individual and Supervisor responsibilities; and,
- UCSB’s procedures for responding to symptoms of possible heat illness, including how and when to contact emergency services.
For more information, please contact the Industrial Hygiene Program at